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Gearing up for Summer, Grads and Dads!


Santorini Large Footed Bowl


Recreate the beautiful mosaic tiles found in the Greek Isles with the Santorini Dot Large Footed Serving Bowl, painted on hard ceramic in a fun blue and white pattern. Frame your meal in this playful and fun design. Inspired by a well-traveled lifestyle, Santorini will easily become an everyday favorite in your kitchen.

10"D, 4.25"H

Dishwasher safe - We recommend using a non-citrus, non-abrasive detergent on the air dry cycle and not overloading the dishwasher. Hand washing is recommended for oversized items.

Microwave safe - The temperature of handmade, natural clay items may vary after microwave use. We recommend allowing items to cool before taking them out of the microwave or using an oven mitt.